Times can be very hard, period.
Then when you try to factor in starting your own business, it can get even harder.
That's the great part of this though.
You are NOT alone!
Women today have the opportunities that women in the past did not have access to, that is, if they were even allowed to do them.
Crazy how the times have changed.
We owe it to the many women before us, to strive and be great.
We owe it to the young women after us, maybe even our own daughters, to show them women can do anything they set their minds to.
We owe it to ourselves to not just sit back and let everyone else do something great.
We can LIVE out our dreams, not just let them pass us bye.
If you sit down and ask anyone who is at the top if tears were shed in the process of getting to where they are now, I guarantee most will say without a doubt... except for the too prideful ones;)
If you WANT something, GO get it.
Its that simple.
People wait for an opportunity to fall at their laps, then when it doesn't happen they blame it on something, rather it be god, their parents, the rain, whatever..but they never blame themselves.
People are good at making excuses,myself included, because its what's easy.
It's what we know.
Its hard to find the inner motivation deep within ourselves.
It gets even harder when the people we care about the most tend to try and bring us down.
When something doesn't work the first time, its much easier to move on to something else.
But again, who wants easy?
If everything was easy, would you want it as much?
Would you appreciate things if you didn't have to work hard for them?
Its the same as if you never had heartbreak, would you know how to truly love deeply?
There are so many Women out there that are beautiful, and Im not just talking about appearance.
There are so many women willing to help get you started off on the right foot.
To point you in the right direction.
I came across such a women.
Of course I'm in the business of trying to find ways for moms, and any woman, try and earn an income at home or just some extra money.
So I search for things I think will help women entrepreneurs.
I came across a wonderfully inspiring women.
Carrie Green
She is the Founder of Female Entrepreneur Association
If you are unfamiliar with the FEA and you are a women wanting to start your own business..
Then I highly suggest visiting her site or reading the magazine This Girl Means Business.( BTW, the magazine is free)
The magazine is about REAL female entrepreneurs, and their stories of how they got to where they wanted to be, or are still working on it;)
Get ready to be inspired, just like I was.
Its incredible reading these women's stories.
You will see how you are not alone.
That we are all in this together.
So if you feel alone, or you need some motivation, or even a little push, we are all here for you.
Ask questions, get involved.
Do what it takes to get you where you need to be.
Don't be intimidated.
Everyone is still learning something everyday that is intimidating.
The key to success is to surround yourself with positive people.
Uplifting people.
People that aren't going to try and crush your dreams and rather support you and your goals.
So Thank you Carrie for what you are doing!
Thank you for inspiring women to become GREAT .
I encourage all women to visit..
If you agree with me that more woman should be inspired, please vote for Carrie Green!!!!
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